Camisole - wish you were wolves
3" cdr
sold out
(Another belgian project. Ultra dark and suffocating ambient, unhealthy soundscapes, voices from outer space... Two tracks of ritual ambient with some voices, track 1 has vocal contribution by Temple Of Azoth. Music to play in the dark. Packed in plastic bag with black paper & cover.)
Review on Dark Music Domain: DEATH AMBIENT ... A bloodlike taste of lyncanthopy! Two death ambient tracks about the nocturnal way of life... and death! Beware the next full moon! Featuring vocal and lyrical contributions by Temple Of Azoth. Limited to only 40 copies, this 3-inch CD release also includes artwork postcard and lyric sheet. (Camisole is perhaps best known to Dark Music Domain customers as the project that partnered with Melek-Tha for the ´Moloch Reign of Fire´ release!)
Review on Heathen Harvest: This is my first time listening to Camisole. This is surprising since there are many releases under this project and I enjoy (and seek out) this style of ambient. Wish you were Wolves consists of two tracks adding up to roughly 19 minutes of music. The initial song, Wish you were Wolves (Even Worse than Wolves) starts off with fuzzy, low, ambient noises that drop off to minimal sound accompanied by samples. The atmosphere picks up again and dark drones float beneath the dialogue. The track becomes louder as it progresses with dissonant black metal styled vocals laid overtop. The vocals perfectly suit the music adding to the atmosphere. Wish you were Wolves (Even Worse than Wolves) has a sinister air to it from start to finish. The second track, Lunar Influence on Murder Case, continues where the first left off minus the vocals. Dark keys play out the first portion and are replaced by an airy, spacious atmosphere. The greater portion of the song contains droning noises repeating over themselves with samples thrown in. Both songs consist of a similar feel and style and could have probably been one lengthy track. Overall, Wish you were Wolves is a solid effort at dark ambient. At times the atmosphere was great while at others times it wasn’t as interesting. Wish you were Wolves is a decent album yet doesn’t tread any new ground in the genre. I believe Camisole have the potential to do something more interesting in the future as there are definitely noteworthy moments on this release.