Terminal Outputs
(Terminal Outputs from UK are Dallas Kruszenicki on guitar amplifier & Big Muff and Oliver Hart on guitar Mesa & Big Muff. Lo-fi psychedelic drones and noises, using delays, reverbs and feedback. Four long tracks, one hour of insane brainwashing !)
Review on Noisereviews : "Terminal Outputs are from the UK and play feedback/noise. The first track is the best one out of the 4 lengthy tracks, which in total clock in at 61 minutes. Layers and layers of feedback are made to create an ultimate wall of sound, sometimes crunchy, sometimes harsh, but always hypnotizing and beautiful. This is the type of drone/feedback that I really enjoy. On to track 2, which is definitely a louder and rawer version of Terminal Outputs. At around 2 minutes I hear a sort of improvised guitar 'riff' that sounds like a trumpet, and it honestly reminds me of Borbetomagus' work on 'Snuff Jazz' (One of my favourite Borbetomagus album). Track 3 has T.O. going back to mainly just feedback, but there's still some loudness and occasional improvisation involved. Track 4 continues in the same vein but with a harsher and different version. What I find weird about this album is that the first track is completely different than the rest. Spaced-out, immense, ambient, dreamy, but still noise. The rest, however, seems like mindless improvising. Still, it's a pretty good release that most drone/feedback fans should enjoy, if only for the first track."